Saturday, January 18, 2025
First Week after the Epiphany, Saturday, January 18, 2025
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
First Week after the Epiphany, Saturday, January 18, 2025
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
We marvel at the revelations of how you have journeyed with us and guided our footsteps. We rest at the intersection of your good news of Christ’s salvation and our faithful response. Give us words to tell our stories; open the ears of those who hear.
Place us in your presence. Surround us with your wise council of Elders and Spiritual Directors. Encourage us to speak favourably about you, and encourage others as we journey together.
You make all things perfect in your time. Give us patience to wait for your message and wisdom to wait on you alone. Give us discernment to not expect others to do what only you can do for us.
Uphold us with your love as we journey together upon your Ancient Path. Keep us from harm, so we will give to others out of love and abundance. Remove us from the snares of the wicked, so we will remain watchful for your guidance.
We gather together on the heights of Mount Zion and beside streams of water on your Sacred Path. You have brought us from all directions to be together in this land of our sojourn, in your sacred prayer space. We wept as we came. We wept for joy, relief, fear and grief. But you are wiping the tears from our eyes.
I am amazed in your presence today, Loving LORD, and thank you for…
The wind, water, heavens, and angels all know you and follow your ways. We participate in your great mystery, joining with creation in constant praise to you.