Saturday, December 7, 2024
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
Luke 1:68-79
Malachi 4:1-6
Luke 9:1-6
Today, we invite you to reread, rest, and reflect on the prayers of the past week.
Lectionary Readings for Today: Weekly Review
Luke 1:68-79
Malachi 4:1-6
Luke 9:1-6
Come, Sovereign LORD. Redeem us from the harsh mocking of scoffers. Reveal to them our righteousness and their evil, so their true nature as your children will be exposed. Forgive them, as you also forgive us. Make us instruments of your peace, so together we will all journey in unity towards your Holy Mountain.
Praise to you, Yahweh, for you remember your redemptive promises for all creation and for us. You remember that you loved us first. You showed mercy to our ancestors and delivered them. Your light shines in the darkness, revealing your love and hope.
You, Sovereign LORD, are gracious and merciful, slow to anger, and abounding in steadfast love for us. You send prophets, mentors, and spiritual guides to us, warning us of the dangers lurking if we stray from your Ancient Path. We enter your sacred prayer space in search of your guidance and assurance.
Who are we, LORD Our Righteous Saviour, that your promises would stretch not only to us, but to our households for all generations? We humbly receive all you have promised. Give us hearts that long for you, so we will turn our gratitude to generosity towards you, ourselves, and others.
Thank you, Yahweh, for being patient with us. We often forget and do not think about your loving kindness and patience. We place our hope in you. May we grow in grace and knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
We enter your sacred prayer space, longing for the day you will return in righteousness to deliver us from our circumstances. How long, O LORD, will we need to wait for your deliverance? How long until you establish your Kingdom of Peace?