Tuesday, December 17, 2024

The birth of a new day over the prairie, Saskatchewan (Photo Credit: Lara Stoudt)

Third Week of Advent, Tuesday, December 17, 2024

“Isaiah 11:1-9 (New International Version)” by Mark Beingessner.

Isaiah 11:1-9

Loving Divine Family,

We enter your sacred prayer space, singing songs of joy. We know of your promises and have been told to follow your ways. Now, we hear you revealing that our time of stillness and waiting will soon be over. We have been wandering in the wilderness, but you are calling us home.

Loving Faithful God, you hear our prayers and those who have gone before us. We celebrate and take joy in the promise of reorder of creation, where we will live in harmony. Thank you for bringing justice to the poor and fairness to all people.

I am coming home to you today, O LORD, and thank you for…

We hold to the hope that you are fixing this broken world. Creation has been crying to you. We also cried with creation in the wilderness. Stretch forth your healing across this landscape, LORD, so our cries will be answered and peace will be restored.

With joy we praise you!


Cherie and Donovan Mutschler

Other Lectionary Readings for Today:
Numbers 16:20-35
Acts 28:23-31

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